Panthera tigris altaica
Siberian Tiger is the largest of the world's big cats. Male Siberians range
from 9-12 feet from their head to the end of their tail! Siberian Tigers weigh
about 400-650 pounds. And most of that weight is muscle. They use their big
muscles as they hunt for food. Siberian Tigers are carnivores, which
means that they love to eat meat. Some animals that they catch and eat are wild
pigs, deer, rabbits, and fish. The way a tiger hunts is really cool. It hunches
down when it sees an animal it wants to eat. Then it slowly creeps up on the
animal. When it gets pretty close, the Tiger pounces on the prey and grabs it
by the back of the neck. Usually this kills the prey instantly, but if it doesn't,
the tiger will use his sharp teeth and strong jaws to bite his prey. The Siberian
Tiger has to spend a lot of time hunting for food because many times he will
not be able to successfully catch the animal he pounces on. He will try over
and over until he finds a good meal. If he does catch the animal, he quickly
gobbles up all he can and if there is some left, he will bury the meat and come
back for it later.
Siberian Tigers live in Siberia, which is in Asia. They also live in the northern parts of China and Korea. During the winter, the Siberian Tiger's orange hairs take on a lighter shade. This helps him camouflage himself in the snow. To keep warm, the Tiger has layers of fat on his tummy. The fat allows him to lay down in the snow without getting too cold.
Click here to hear the sound a tiger makes. It may take a few seconds to download.
Here are some cool facts about Siberian Tigers: