Here's some pics I created while just playing around with PSP 5. It is amazing what kind of cool effects you can create without really knowing what you're doing!

I created this one by using the Letters paper texture and the air brush tool. Then I used text with the X-Files font and hot waxed the sucker!

This was a black and white picture that I made look like some kind of strangeness by using the Asphalt paper texture and the Saturate and Burn Retouch tool effects.

I used the same black and white photograph base as the pic above. I first applied the Burn and Saturate effects on the base pic with Daze paper texture on. Then I selected the background and used airbrush on it with the weave paper texture. Then I selected the outside frame and used airbrush on the letters paper texture. I just love paper textures, can you tell?? :)

This pic started out as a black and white picture as well. I used many different effects on it hoping to give it a 'painting' look. I used Marsh paper texture on the background and added highlights with the airbrush tool and parts of the background selected.

On this weirdy one I used a black and white pic then colorized it and used the lightness up tool to make the light shining on the guy/gal (?) and then I used a weird font to make the symbol on his/her head.

Extra Credit

A signature!

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